Developer Digital Extremes is keeping the momentum high following its Warframe:1999 expansion. The upcoming Techrot Encore update aims to deliver new adventures within the corrupted city of Höllvania, along with the addition of the new guitar-wielding Temple frame who brings fresh energy to battles.

Celebrating its 12th anniversary this year, Techrot Encore will be the first major update to Warframe in 2025, launching on March 19. As the follow-up to 1999, the update continues the adventures of Arthur and his crew of mercenaries, while in the “present,” the space-faring Tenno continue their fight against the corrupted Techrot and other adversaries across the galaxy.
Just ahead of the latest Digital Extremes Devstream, which showcased live gameplay from Techrot Encore, Level Infinite caught up with Warframe community director Megan Everett to discuss the game’s current state, what’s coming with the new update, and how 1999‘s reception has energized the team.
Keeping the good vibes going
“The response to 1999 has been amazing,” Everett said. “Ever since the first demo at TennoCon 2023, people have been really excited about this universe.”
“The reception to the 1999 launch was better than we could have hoped.”
Warframe:1999 provided a bold and exciting new storyline for players to explore. It introduced a time-loop plot about an alternate 1999, alongside an outbreak called Techrot spreading across Earth. Players experienced how a crew of Protoframes—the precursors to the Tenno clan’s Warframes—put a stop to antagonist Albrecht Entrati’s evil schemes.

The Techrot Encore update continues the 1999 experience and its related activities in the base Warframe game. Players can expect quality-of-life updates, additional characters to play as, and new activities. In addition to the new fire-elemental Frame Temple, inspired by Glam rock musicians, players can unlock new Protoframes for Frost, Saryn, Nova, and Temple—each featuring their own side-quests, transforming Gemini Skins, and opportunities to pursue potential relationships.

Warframe community director, Megan Everett, reflected on the success of the 1999 launch:
“The fans are so excited, and the amount of fan art celebrating the Protoframes and the romance and relationship system have been incredible,” “It was a huge risk for us to add that kind of content, with the game now being 12 years old and having had no relationship system whatsoever. To see fans really love the characters and want to know more about their stories has been exciting.”
What’s new in Techrot Encore?

The content in Techrot Encore will be available for all players who have completed The Hex main quest of Warframe: 1999. Players can delve deeper into the 1999 universe by augmenting Arthur and his mercenary crew or forming stronger bonds using in-person interactions and a retro instant messenger system (KOL). The Techrot Encore update focuses on the growing conflict with Technocyte Coda and features new missions against the Techrot scourge.
Temple, the guitar-wielding Frame headlining the update, hones a powered-up sentient guitar, Lizzie, with heat-based skills. They amplify their abilities and teammates while showing off their prowess as a famed rock star blasting to an all-original new track. They boost their own abilities and those of their teammates, while also embodying the spirit of a rock star.
Some core content for Techrot Encore was originally planned for 1999 but was held back to avoid delaying that release.
According to Everett, some core content for Techrot Encore was originally planned for 1999 but was held back to avoid delaying that release.
“We had planned to include Technocyte Coda (Infested Liches) content in 1999, but it would have delayed the entire expansion, and that wasn’t okay with us,” she explained.
In addition to expanded exploration opportunities in Höllvania’s central mall, new activities include updated game modes: For example, Stage Defense—a spin on the familiar Defense mission type—tasks squads with defending new ally Flare (Temple’s Protoframe) as they rock out.
Another addition, Temporal Archimedea mode, challenges players to complete randomized missions back-to-back, with successful runs earning new augments, offering one of the toughest challenges in Warframe to date.
Players can further customize their 1999 player space with decorative items or arcade games. The update will also include Ollie’s Crash Course—a new mini-game where players race Atomicyles on wacky tracks for leaderboard scores. To access the game, players walk up to the console to begin.

Quality-of-life updates include increased Riven capacity from 135 to 165, shorter Defense mission waves, random squad disbanding after missions (pre-made squads will remain together), and improvements to the K.I.M System with more “Close” chemistry rank conversations available.
As Techrot Encore gears up for release on March 19, anticipation builds for TennoCon 2025 July 18-19, celebrating Warframe‘s 12 years with showcases of updates for Warframe and Soulframe—as well as a live concert for fans.
“It’s been 12 years of Warframe, and it’s also my 12-year anniversary,” Everett shared. “I remember sitting at my desk in year one, not knowing if this game would still exist in five years. Now, the game is thriving, and the community is growing. We’ll keep making more Warframe until there are zero players. Even if there’s one player, we’ll still be cooking over here.”
Warframe‘s Techrot Encore update launches March 19 for free on all platforms.